I love this- I know one is not supposed to say good things about one's own work (that's what I was told)- is that modesty? Blast it! I think its self-defeating, and its hypocritical !- well I don't always like my own work, and there are some pieces I keep around hoping someone else will love them more than I do- that's probably cheating isn't it?

Like there are times I have shown something, and I sort of avoid...looking at it too much because in my heart I know it embarasses me that something about it is not right... I have to learn to listen to that faint voice more- I always know if something is good or not but I don't always like to admit to my own truth.. you know, don't you?

Ususally it takes some time, a day, a month, a year-

You have to be brave either way- brave to stand up and say -I love this- and brave to immediately toss it to the recycling or better yet, cut it up, use it for collage, or if it is work on canvas repaint-

But these I am lovin ...
Its sometimes hard to figure out where you are in a new landscape, how do you find your bearings? A lot of my 'new' work is exactly this- a new country...Its so exciting, but I think I have a foot still behind in the old world and I just need to yank it forward and not let anything drag me back...Am I making sense ? I am in a strange mood, I need a fortnight in a spa-I am just joking...
What do you do to clear your head and move forward?
oh i needed to absorb this logic...so often think a piece is not very good....
ANYTHING can be made into a collage
Yes indeed Elk- Thank you for visiting!
I love this post and your new work is unbelievably good. I would be ever so proud if they were mine too. Loving them. I need some time to be creative again. It feels like we are too busy. Time for some balance and some very needed creative time. Especially after looking at your post....I am craving it now. xo
p.s. I think a massage and some wine clear my head....wine in small doses that is. ;)
Thanks for putting Sophie on your etsy sidebar...I just noticed her there. That is so sweet of you. xo
They're all nice, but I really like the last two! And I wouldn't feel bad about loving your own work. If you don't love it, how can you expect anyone else to love it? :)
I think they're just beautiful. It's hard to say things about your work regarding the old modesty thing and it's not really right, is it?! I think sometimes it's a matter of saying 'just keep going' and working through the angsty parts...
Thank you Dee, and Janelle, and Lucy for visiting and listening to my bla-bla with such patience and encouragement- so lovely to see you here!
I love, love, love it too. I just think you have good taste and it is just a coincidence that you made it. I hope that makes sense.
I love them too! and I know exactly what you mean!!! The funny thing is though - this inner radar seems to be more active with one's own work.... do you find that? I mean, I do know instantly if I like someone's work, but with my own it's a far more critical process of judgement. the first and last pieces are the strongest to me... but then, here enters personal taste too! All you have to do is put those little lines on a piece and I'm in love ;)... so, there you go, your own judgement is the best. I think when it gets too much for me I daydream... (I've been daydreaming a lot lately!!) Hope you had a lovely weekend?! K x
a great topic ~ i know exactly what you mean! unless i really can't bear a piece, i usually put it out there coz i find that often the pieces i am unsure about are the ones others like most!! so it's kind of a good learing curve. but i like to be at least happy with my work and hopefully proud of it and occasionally i love a piece. the next day is often another story too.
i really love your pink trees and your new work is great.
sometimes floating around the internet helps me move forward!!
thanks for sharing your thoughts on this.
b xx
Thank you Kate and Kylie and Belinda too- its sooo lovely to read your thoughts- You are so right about daydreaming, (I think I have not been doing that enough lately-) and surfing the internet, when I see how others are experimenting it strengthens my resolve too!
Love love these, especially the first image. So much lovely composition. I think we should recognize when we do something we're proud of. I think it was Julia Child who said that you must never, ever say that what you've made isn't good, or pick it apart in front of others. Just proudly serve it up, even if it isn't your best work, and when it is your best, say so ;)
Such a wonderful post Annamaria, your passion and honesty is very more-ish.
Really loving one of my own pieces is something I aspire to. I mean there are elements of my images that I love but there's always something that I'm not so happy with. I don't know if this is my perfectionist streak, but it can be such a drag. If I were a bit more forgiving imagine the fun and I'd probably produce more and take more risks... uh-oh, rant rant! : )
Annamarie, these works are totally gorgeous, I'm so glad you can enjoy them like the rest of us.
x Alisa
I love the first piece! Beautiful. I might need to buy one for my bathroom.:)
Loved this post. I think it is great that you are loving your work and sharing the love! :-) My favourite are the third and fourth pieces. I love your style and use of colour.
You definitely deserve to be proud. i I absolutely love the first one.
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