I really wanted to post a few more pictures from the show- I personally found Sophia's kitchen garden an inspiration...even though I don't think it's in my stars to ever become a gardener...

But I can take photos...

And I can definitely eat- ...

Lucy had fun with visiting Lucy...look at how relaxed this cat is...permanently in kitty-heaven..

And I wanted to say, yes, I bought a lovely dress for the second Sunday of this show- I am becoming so inspired from
Elsita (the hidden seed)- I need to add the dress thing to my life- I tend to slip into the jeans unifrom if I am not careful-Publicly today I promise to resist the uniform and have some dress-funnnnnn!
AND I am inspired by the idea of doing some mini-three question interviews- I am very very interested in how women artists and crafters balance their family life and their art- I will be posting about Sara (the third artist in the show) next Monday- but I was thinking of doing this a regular thing- Monday three-question interviews....
What do you think?
I know what you mean about the jeans uniform. Especially with two very small children, I find it's so much easier and more practical. But I have a friend who always dresses to the nines, even with littles around, so I know it can be done. I have a ton of pretty skirts languishing away in my closet. I ought to give them a breath of fresh air! Mini interviews sounds nice.
i think you look very wonderful perched in among your work...and I noticed the cookies! and lucy's friend
I promise Elk I had no cookies- honest- they were only for the visitors- well, maybe one...
By the way, thank you elk- and thank you june at noon- woohoo for dresses!
First of all you look amazing! I love the photos!! I fully think that is a great idea. I love mini interviews with other artists. xoxo
I think mini-interviews is a great idea! I tend to get turned off from lengthy interviews online and just skim them. I think a succinct, fun format would be perfect :)
And yay for dresses! I am a jeans n' t-shirt gal as well, but every so often it's nice to feel gussied up.
Thank you Dee and Amanda! I am glad we all agree on th minni interviews-I get too impatient with some long ones too-
Annamaria xx
Both you and the studio look amazing! I hope it was lucrative.
I'm about to turn our kitchen windowsill into a mini garden (we don't have a proper one) and I'm the least green-fingered person alive. While we were in Scotland I killed our sunflowers :( But that kitchen garden (and my mother-in-laws') have me smitten! Basil is first on my list...yum.
I love dresses!! but yes, I'm always in jeans too ;)
It's a beautiful photo - you look so happy. Hope it all went well?
i think you've struck on a very good idea there - it's always so very interesting and helpful to read how others cope with this juggling act we all do but don't really talk about. Good on you!
Thanks for another wonderful post, Annamaria!
Sorry I'm so behind in my reading ;)
K x
Ooo new dress - always exciting! I love dresses. I love all the photos you have shared and seeing all the easels makes me want to paint right away! :-) It looks like in the background your art is pinned along a 'washing line' I like this nifty idea.That huge table looks gorgeous, are you in your home there? I like the idea of 3 questions. I love hearing about other artisits.
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