Monday, May 17, 2010

Gifts to start the new week-

Gifts to start off the new week with:
1. A lovely- lovely notebook from a very dear friend...thank you so much!
2. Cookies Lucy made all by herself...

3. A pink rododendron in our garden. I look out the window and smile.

4. A little girl at the year end concert of her music school. This is her first year of playing the piano and she has loved it. The morning of the recital she announced she could play both her pieces with eyes closed!


Kylie said...

Isn't it the most wonderful thing listening to your daughter play the piano? :) I find myself stopping whatever I'm doing to fully enjoy this delicious sensation when Bella plays... I just melt :)
Love your rhododendrons too and so very glad you like your gift... Wishing you calm times for your contemplations. K xx

ELK said...

i have MISSED you...what a special post of gifts both musical and literal
last orchestra concert tonight for my senior...

Laura said...

lovely-and the cookies:)lucy is so talented!

Alexandra Hedberg said...

lovely ways to start the new week. Hope it has continued the same way!