Monday, February 10, 2014

Day 18- About yellow

                                                                 Day 18- About yellow-
                                                      6 x 7 inches, watercolor on Arches HP

"...but yellow? The painter Wassily Kandinsky described yellow as 'the typical earthly colour. It can 
never have profound meaning'.  In Tibetan Buddhism it is the colour of humility. In eighteenth-century England it meant not of the first rank: 'yellow admirals' were those passed over for promotion and not attached to any squadron (red, white or blue). There are long standing connotations of jealousy, illness and ageing (yellowing paper), and more modern imputations of vulgarity (the yellow press), decadence (The Yellow Book) and cowardice (a sense not found until the 1890s.) ...But in spring, as the grass begins to grow and the first leaves appear on the trees, yellow is exactly as it should be- young, and fresh and uncomplicated."
                                                                                               The Morville Hours
                                                                                                           Katherine Swift