Friday, March 12, 2010

The playground-

I am the girl and the mother-
I want to swing high-higher-highest-
but I want to keep safe on the ground as well-
I want to take risks and experiment, but
fear grips me and I ...almost chicken out-
but then I don't-


Gloria Freshley Art and Design said...

This is lovely, Anna.

red or gray art said...

i find you very brave...swing high!

belinda marshall said...

you seem to just know how to put things, in words and images!
here's to not chickening out {too often}!!
love this piece :)

kirsty said...

What gretchenmist said!

Kim Baise said...

this is beautiful!

Hazel Terry said...

Absolutely beautiful piece. x

Kylie said...

I love this Annamaria... I am the mother still dreaming of one day doing what the girl does :) Kx

Laura said...

yay! beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!

annamaria potamiti said...

Oh you lovely friends thank you so much!
Annamaria xxx

Shayna said...

How very beautiful!!!

ninainvorm said...

What a beautiful painting!