But my new drawing-project is really my source of energy! It's great not to have the after the show what-do-I-do-now-thing...
This is day 2. Lots of interesting stuff in the paper again. The New York Times once more. I am trying to think of ways to narrow down the project so that I won't get lost and so that its a bit more of a challenge.
One way of doing this might be to select only two articles and somehow relate them. Two articles immediately fell together this morning.
front page: 'Leg lost, Dancer...' and in Science Times:
'studying sea life for a glue that mends people'. The images that accompanied both were inspiring as well.
I asked myself whether my drawings were just illustrations of what I read in some condenced way or what exactly am I trying to do? I am not sure... I am exploring what happens visually when I put these thoughts together but I don't want to illustrate them, I think I am trying to bounce them off eachother and see where that leads. Does that make sense? Of course I have been working on small watercolors as well and they are taking things even further.
Ok. this is short and sweet because I have to go, I have a child waiting to be tacked into bed. Thank you for your enthusiastic responses to this new phase of work. It means so so so much to me!
It's a wonderful process. I really love what you're doing. I like your idea of using the newspaper. I often find myself very inspiring by random stories. Does it need to become something? I don't think they can be called "just illustrations" because they are your response to the stories and immediately that involves more than mere reportage - that's your interpretation and emotional response etc as well that is in there. There are so many 'parts' to this piece - I've been looking at it for ages and keep seeing something new. Yah for you I say! :) Kx
What a fantastic way to stretch your mind and conjure up images. Have you seen Sophie Blackall's missed connections series on Etsy? She reads personal ads and imagines who the people are. The newspaper will be an infinite resource for you.
reading about your thought processes is fascinating... the work is just amazing. thank you so for sharing:)
Thank you Kylie,Holly and Laura for the encouragement- I am also seeing more and more possibilities in the contents of the newspaper-
Holly, thank you for the link, no I don't know of this artist or her work,but it sounds very intriguing and I will definnitely check it out.
Annamaria xx
i liked this post a lot...your process is very interesting as well...i can totally relate to the cleaning part! I am glad i found this blog!
When I first saw this, I thought a figure was reaching up to a flock of birds, while being pulled down by a more negative force, but the birds were winning.
Its lively , I love it.
I think I'm going to need to see that zucchini parmesan bread recipe.
great work!
process is such a story in itself .. and home made soup!
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