Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Day 5- Lucy with the whole world behind her-

Lucy and the whole world behind her-
We had been wanting to buy a world map for the longest time. It's on the wall now
and I expect it to show up frequently in this series of watercolors. I love it.
(and no I don't pay my model, I just allow her time on youtube-with earphones-sneaky yet resourceful mom...)


Kathleen Maunder said...

It's wonderful, Annamaria. I love the title too. Made me smile.

Gloria Freshley Art and Design said...

Love this one, Annamaria. And you captured, perfectly, Lucy's relaxed posture while playing her blue guitar in yesterday's painting!

annamaria potamiti said...

Thank you Kathleen and Gloria. It's lovely to read your sweet comments;-)

renilde said...

the tulips and map and lucy concentrated on her laptop, beautiful, like it! xx

irinapictures said...

I like so much shapes and color choice. And the overall mood of Lucy's world.