Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Day 49- Both sun and hail-

Day 49- Yesterday, both sun and hail.
watercolor 7,5 x 11 inches
I have many colors in my paintbox that have run out, and then there is a number of tubes I have
never used because I didn't really 'like them'! (including three unused tubes of cadmium red- why three?) Instead of buying new, I am now using the
ones I have snubbed and so discovering some lovely
new greys!


Unknown said...

What a great idea to force yourself out of your comfort zone. Your paintings seem to me to be developing a greater fluidity over time. I absolutely love the colours and freshness of this one.
I'm looking forward to your cadmium red series!

annamaria potamiti said...

Thank you Janet. I am looking forward to exploring the cad reds too.