Monday, June 1, 2009

weekends' treasure hunting

Did you have a good weekend?

The spoils from our weekends' treasure hunting were:

A real piano!

A new good book to read...

lots of walks in the sun...

and of course, icecream and hugs...

This is why I love garage sales. Nigel picked this wonderous paino up for forty dollars at a garage sale. Pianos are huge, elephant things, (we love elephant things obviously), and the miracle is that this one here didn't fall completely apart when the movers threw it over. Its got some scratches, but bless it, it will be just fine with some fixing and a coat of paint.

And some little girl is very ,very excited. (we will see how long it lasts). I have learnt not to have too many expectations in matters that involve children and musical instruments...I just make sure we don't spend too much money until we know someone is seriously committed...But believe me this piano, (made in Toronto a looong time ago), sounds quite amazingly good and I might just get some fun out of playing it too. So Lucy was up at six this morning itching to go and play the piano which she was allowed to do at seven thirty but which didn't go down too well with her older brother...I am ok. I have told you how I have this ability to withdraw in a happy corner of my mind, and I can literally hear nothing ,if I don't want to. It can come in handy, trust me...

And this photo commits me to having a healthy breakfast all week this week, well , until the weekend anyway, then I will get myself a croissant ala Molly. A pain au chocolat . I tell you this woman has ruined my figure.(just joking-it was ruined already!)

I am reading and really enjoying "Eat, pray, love". I know its long overdew, you probably have all read it by now, and really it was one of those books that I picked up from the library, brought it home and returned it unopened, for some reason or other. But recently, I saw it mentioned again at a favorite blog, and I knew I just had to read it. I can tell you now, how I can relate to the scene of her falling on her knees and praying. Yes, I have been there. (and maybe not just once) And ...someone listened .

Isn't that a good thing to know? That someone, somewhere, somehow ...listens?


Janelle said...

I think even if nobody ends up playing your new piano, you've got a pretty awesome piece of furniture for the money!

annamaria potamiti said...

thank you for your comment- please write comments frequently , I love them!