To Kylie from 3Sheets ,for surprising me in the most delightful way! Thank you Kylie, art detective and Patron of the Arts!
To the artists from 'echoes, a collaborative journal' for posting my little watercolor(above) in their site this Friday. Their work is an absolute delight and an inspiration! The theme of the journal being:"summer is...", I thought that for me with my many memories of hot Greek summers, digging one's feet in the scorching hot sand , ( and madly hopping to the nearest water after!!!), is my first and most encompassing image of what summer is...I remember being thirteen and in a fit of revolt(I am sure I had a good reason...) I walked for a couple of hours on the hot asphalt wearing a bikini, no shoes , it was August, midday, and guess what, apart from getting sunburned, my feet burned, and my grandmother had to put lotion on all the blisters and bandage them for me... That was a long time ago, but I guess the hot feet thing will stay with me forever...
if you are in the US, have a Happy Fourth ....and if you are somewhere else on this gorgeous planet, have a great weekend...
O how lovely! Thank you for saying this! I didn't think you'd seen my post on your wonderful artwork because you didn't leave a comment - but you were bashful! I was proud to have such beauty on my blog!
Love your 'hot toes' piece - just gorgeous! Looking forward to my new paintings winging their way towards me! Still want those new ones from your creative space though! Please put them on etsy... :)
Lovely post - thank you! :) K
aww this is so lovely! i'm getting back to my watercolors too :)
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