I need some grownding this Friday evening so there I go again: I am grateful for:
1. recognising Lucy's shyness and embracing it. I was probably just as shy, I still am, even though you would probably never know it if you met me -I remember being six at a ballet rehearsal and how the whole world went blurry and I felt I had no anchor...- Lucy has either hid away, or cried out of any public performance until this year where she did some dancing with her class, but only from the very last row... When she goes to school (with all the same kids since pre-school) she still pauses at the door and its obvious she feels awkward at joining in. Its odd, is it genetic? I have no idea. But this is what she is like. And we can live with it. She is not the 'perfect' child but she is 'perfect' anyway, if you know what I mean.
2. So , to be grateful for the perfection of imperfection.
3. On a more 'business' note, I will be meeting some of the Etsy admins. on Tuesday. Is anyone else from this part of the world going? I am terribly excited about this!
4. I am participating in this art-fair on Sunday. Talk about shyness...I am so nervous about it...
No worries, Lucy will be with me to hold my hand!!
5.I have sort of controlled my new printer and I am happy with the results. My brain is buzzing with ideas to try out...
6.Everyday I visit the blogging world I learn tons of new things...What an amazing thing is that!!
7. I had been writing for quite some time in absolute silence- I thought I was jumping into the void, when I started blogging, nobody I knew really knew about it, I wanted to see what was in the void...And all your lovely voices started coming in through the silence and it is the most delicious thing...The void is actually buzzing with creativity and beauty...Thank you!
First of all: what a beautiful drawing. Will it also be on etsy or is it just for yourself?
I've been reading your post with interest. Everyone wants children to be happy, spontaneous and confident, and though I'm not a parent myself, I can understand it can be hard to see a child that's shy or uncomfortable. You just wish she felt better in public. I definitely wasn't a shy child (I always wanted to be on stage!), but developed quite some shyness in certain situations along the way. I think nothing is more important than being accepted the way you are. I think it's really hard to be good to shyness, also in yourself: it's so hard to understand why you can feel so uncomfortable, you start pushing yourself and the world around you is pushing you too because they don't understand. Why can't you just.... But somehow sometimes you just can't, and that doesn't mean you fail, does it? But it can feel that way.
Anyway, it's good to read how you relate to your girl's shyness, I hope it helps her feeling more confident.
Good luck with all your other plans!
What a truly gorgeous post, Anna Maria! Just lovely. So much to talk about and such a small space!
Firstly, lovely piece of work - it looks like a conversation, or perhaps more accurately, a meditation - the colours act as memory and fleeting thoughts to me - you have such an extraordinary talent.
Now, Lucy... I have to say I'm very biased - I love the shy people of this world! To me, they are the thinkers. They are the ones who notice things and contemplate life. I'm a shy person myself, as is my youngest daughter, and both of us hide it in public behind a bravado. The problem with bravado is that it's hard to sustain for long periods! We fail often in social situations. I'm lucky I have a group of friends who accept me as I am and Lola copes at the moment by having boys as her best friends!
My grand theory - Every argument, problem and disappointment in the world is brought about by expectations! The expectations of others that stymy us, our own burden of expectations for ourselves - both contribute to a lot of grief in every single life.
What I think about 'shy' people is that they are actually very sensitive - they just feel these expectations more than most and that's a lot for a child to carry. And yes, they learn from us too, but that works both ways - like you said about the art fair this Sunday - you face things together!
Sorry, I'm trying so hard to be brief so I hope this is making sense? I'm so very glad you started blogging! I love your blog and you've made my day many a time by being there on my blog :) Good luck for Sunday and value that special treasure of yours! I bet she has amazing insights to impart. Love, K x
What a beautiful piece form your drawing session. Did you manage to hit the beach afterwards?! Best of both then! :-)
Your post was very interesting and the buzzing excitement was strong and infectious! Hope you'll let us know how Tuesday goes, sounds good. I have an etsy shop, but that's as much as involvement as I have at the moment.
Its always great to hear about your ideas.You're very inspiring!
I love my mornings lately because I turn on my computer and see your lovely comments!thank you, you have given me food for thought...breakfast in this case!
Gorgeous work!! I positively love this. I so relate with your daughter. I was massively shy. In grade 7 my teacher tried all year to make me relax and be a little chatty. Finally at the end of the year he had the boys dress up like girls with balloons for ta-tas and act crazy...I giggled so hard it was insane. They couldn't shut me up after that. I think some of us just hold our hearts precious and are afraid of getting them stomped on. I learned that it was okay to be giggled at and giggle at others. It took the shyness and the edge off of life. I so relate with you on #7 too...this is such a great way to inspire and be inspired. xoxo
beautiful drawing, annamaria! just gorgeous!
That's so pretty. I love the choices you made about what to draw, what to leave out....
I was a painfully shy child and can still be shy if I allow myself. My daughter is turning out similar. AT least, having been shy ourselves, we can understand, right?
Thank you so much all for your very warm and thoughtfull comments- I have to run to complete my organising for the show - I will coome and visit... after its all over tomorrow night!
Your drawing is so beautiful. I just love your artwork. It was lovely reading all that you are grateful for, thank you for sharing. It started me thinking about what I am grateful for in my own life.
Oh my, thanks for stopping by my blog yesterday as part of My Creative Space. Looking through your art work has been a real eye opener - so much colour. I totally love this one - not going to the beach really paid off! :)
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