Saturday, February 20, 2010

Saturday, all work and play.

Saturday morning saw a flurry of cleaning activity!!Then I took a break, sat in the sun and enjoyed 'my (Charles) Burchfield'. Do you love him too? He is growing on me. Every year I love him more. What a unique vision!
Lucy's hearts.

She requested this for Christmas.
Rea has one too. We thank Ikea.

Then our reward was cake at my favourite place.

Carrot and ginger cake for me. I swear it was delisious. At the 'Little Nest'. Of course. And fresh orangejuice.
And have you seen Bibi's latest work?
She inspires me so much!
Wishing you a lovely weekend-


Jane O Sullivan said...

thank you so much annamaria for sharing the charles burchfield link ....I have looked all the way through it and found it very interesting and inspiring ...what a comitted artist he was......I see much of his approach in your own work.
I like cake too :)

annamaria potamiti said...

I am glad you enjoyed Burchfield Jane- he was very daring- which is something I associate with youRr work too- which is why I love it !
Annamaria xx