That picture, of the bags flying in the air, immediately made me think of another piece in the paper, on page A7, about President N. Sarkozy wishing to ban the full veil from all public places in France. So, I promptly imagined these rather bagish -looking black 'garments' being blown up in the air and looking rather beautiful (albeit for the first time) as they twist and contort flying away, away, away...
But there is one more thing. I took a peak at the opening reception at Jennifer Kostuik Gallery.
The paintings have intriguing , complex, exquisite surfaces made with acrylics on wood. I loved the contrast between grids of thin, metalic-looking lines and organic, fluid layers of paint moving unpredictably.
If you are in town, the artist will be at the gallery again on Saturday . The show will be on until May 22 .You can see more images and find out more here.
Annamaria, I am absolutely loving this series you are doing! Very interesting post and I will follow the link later today. Thank you!
I love the thumbprints as land masses! Brilliant and lovely.
Thank you Gloria, your encouragement means alot to me!
Annamaria :)
Thank you Amanda,I have been loving drawing on the layered papers. So many possibilities!!!
Annamaria xx
Mysterious and secretive. I love this one with the fingerprints and organic shadowy masses.
Wonderful. I can't wait to see what's next (:
Thank you Kim. Lovely to have you visit!
Annamaria :)
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