As a child I was allowed blue, brown, white and dark green maybe. The day came when and my mother thought it was safe for me to shop by myself. I returned from the shop with a flame red skirt and a light green ( but very intense) shirt. I was in heaven!!! My mother was considering sending me off to live with another family...Of course I never saw the outfit again...Maybe I became an artist so I could 'legally' play with colour!
It occured to me that colour has been used as a 'political' tool and/or statement, and the more democratic our society becomes the more freedom has been given to the use of colour- I would love to read something about that-
I have another link for you. Here.
(and I will tell you something more- the pink is returning-its starting...)
I LOVE her style! I think kids have the best fashion sense. I love it when you see them in the supermarket wearing gumboots and superhero costumes. The only problem is when they want to wear leopard prints and fishnets like one of mine does. I love the colours you 'legally' use in your work. X
Lovely post Annamaria. I think the possibilities of colour have been written up most with regards to film production - that fabulously visual mood-setter :) I love Lucy's style - she's fabulous. Sounds like you're pretty wild yourself! I'm afraid I'm still in my own prison of blacks blues and greys but am so looking forward to a wildly eccentric old age!! :)) Hope you had a great weekend despite the grey. Kx
Hi Kate, thank you for your thoughts of Lucy's fashion statementand for my work! I love all the costumes too- and as for the leopard prints-hmm- its probably a phase...!
Oh Kylie you make me laugh,and I definitely want to be there when you have your 'wildly eccentric old age'!!!
lucy looks marvelous. and i have been loving your photos and links. thank you so, annamaria-you are such a source of inspiration. :)
you found it Annamaria . the colour and secret to girls and fashion...let it be!!
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